Blanket of Knowledge September 2023
Posted by Tracie Anderson on
Hello Everyone
My apologies for getting this board started so late! We are off and running on our September blocks and strips!
I have a few corrections to list below. If you subscribe, you will also have recieved an email listing the revisions and a fresh edited PDF pattern. You may have notices, you only recieved the pattern for the type of box you signed up for this month. You will still recieve a link to download a copy of each pattern. In the past, I would include a printed pattern of both, the knit and the crochet in your boxes. Here are a few of the reasons why I have decided to only send what you asked for. Many of you are not currently doing both. This becomes very wasteful as most of the time the patterns are 2 to 4 pages long. The paper ends up in the trash. People also tend to “share” or “give away” the patterns they don’t intend to use. This indirectly hurts the intedrity of what everyone is paying for. As a designer, it is asked that you do not share a paid-for pattern. It also increases the weight and shipping cost of each box. While your rate is fixed at $5, my rate is often one or two dollars more than that.
Knitters may have noticed, there is no video link or QR code on this pattern. It is on the new PDF and will also be included in your email with the links for your convenience.
ok, on to the corrections.
Leave it to me to leave out the directions of the MAIN STITCH! the Rose stitch. I am listing the directions here for convenience but have also edited the PDF so the new one is complete.
Rose stitch looks more complicated than it really is. Here you have a brief explanation.
1) Make 4 dc on the same stitch
2) Remove the hook from the loop
3) Insert the hook (front to back) in the first dc of the 4 dc you made
4) Grab the loop and pull it through
5) Make a ch to close the stitch
6) Rose finished!
If you discover ay additional mistakes, please share them with me.
Main page with instructions. We didn’t get the video link on this one before it went to print, so it has been added to the new PDF download and will also be included in your email.
The instructions for your 20 gram divider strip was loft off some of the rpinted patterns. i am adding it here but it is also on the PDF download corrected pattern.
Border Stitch – 1: Knit row 2: (k1, p1) across 3: P Row 4: (p1, k1) Across Repeat rows until yarn is gone.
Some of you may have recieved a chart with mistakes at the very end. By the time you get to them, you will probably recignise something is off. Most of you should have the corrected chart. Just in case, I recomend at least taking a look at the downloaded chart.
Key and Setup
1) Just after the symbol names I have listed what is the right side and what is the wrong side. Here it is listed opposite of what it should be. It should read Odd number rows are Knit (RS) Even number rows are Purl (WS). It is listed on the bottom of the chart correctly.
2) In the stitch definitions I have listed a RT = Right Twist. Honestly, I have no idea why I put that in there as we do not use that stitch anywhere in this chart so please isregard.
3) Many of you may end up with an odd number for answer 5 of your set up questions. Questions 6 instructs you to divide those sts by 2. In this case, you will put the extra stitch in the first half. For example, my answere to #5 is 15, so when I divide, I will make is 8, and 7.
Please be sure to count your stitches before you start to assure you have the original cast on number. If you have extra, you can K2Tog or do an invisible decreas to accomidate.
Don’t forget to get in the habbit of weighing your yarn! I know it’s a hastle but you will thank me some day, I promise!
Happy Stitching All!! Can’t wait to see your pictures!